For most of us, from the time we are born to the time we die, our homes and our happiness depend on the resources of the nearest city. We barely even recognize that we must pay for this convenience, except for the word taxes, which seems to be death’s running mate for the world’s biggest fears. We have to pay for our lifestyle as well as for the essential taxes, utilities, and government services that are available near the cities. And you pay whether you use them or not, because you use the air, the roads, and the airwaves, don’t you?. Most of us don’t have enough available cash to pay our monthly expenses without needing to work. So, we either pay by spending our time serving a company we don’t own, helping them make a profit, or we go it alone, in self-employment, the roots of capitalism and the foundation for a community; farmers, grocers, artists, craftsmen. Even someone who is jobless and has no revenue coming in is their own little business, which is not being run well and is using city resources to supplement, such as public restrooms and living on city property. Their product is labor. Whichever you choose, we give time to the company, which sits on city land, and thus they too have to pay their fair share, which they do by selling their products and services and generating their own profit. So, how much time do you donate to your business, to making your income? Assuming there was an employer waiting to snatch you up, if you put yourself on the market, willing to put in the number of hours you do now, with the drive, determination, and integrity you do now, would you get more or less than your company currently can afford to pay you?-The dreamy idea of becoming a business owner is very different than reality, isn’t it? Do you get to lounge by the pool coming up with new ways to better humanity, or are you at work, wearing several hats at once just to keep the ticking timebombs at bay, and putting out fires? We put in more hours, right? Most of the time, we’re either thinking about business, or we’re operating our business. There’s not much time for relaxation when there’s a company to build. And with lots of hours comes what? Stress, Fatigue, Tension, Worry? Is there anyone here who has some worry, uncertainty, or concerns about the future of their business? Do any of you have someone relying on you to be successful? It’s life or death, but we ignore this fact. Life and death decisions based on how much money we can afford to spend. save our lives, improve the lives of our loved ones, or help us live a longer, happier existence. We know filtered mountain spring water caught in glass bottles is much healthier than plastic bottled tap water, but is it worth 3 times the cost? We accept that we cannot afford round the clock top quality care for our loved ones, so some have to go to a low-cost nursing home, where you know it’s simply not as good. Doesn’t this kind of life struggle feel awful? It always has for me. This is a fact we are ignoring. We have to look away, because what else is there to do but stare at in disgust or complain about it. Well, I figured out that making money is not complicated once you know the steps. You’ve learned much harder things, I promise you. Balance, walking, riding a bike, all much harder than making money. Here’s the catch, and there’s always a catch isn’t there? There is a piece of making money that is tedious, drains your energy, makes you question everything you have ever believed about the world, and for some, it’s too much. If you can follow the principles in this book, your chances of having a real success in small business increase exponentially.